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IronSource Mediation Integration 1.0.0

Adaptation Overview

  • Supported Ad Types: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded Video
  • Supported Ad Platforms (V1.0.0): TradPlus Adx
  • Compatible IronSource Version: V8.1.0+
  • Compatible TradPlus Version: V12.0.0.1+

IronSource Adapter Integration Steps

1. IronSource Backend Configuration

  1. Log in to the IronSource backend, go to the left menu and select Mediation → Setup → SDK networks. Choose your application and add a Custom Adapter under Manage Networks.

  2. Enter the network Key obtained from the IronSourceCustomAdapter registration page.

  3. Locate the added custom ad source and click Edit to configure settings.

  4. Fill in the following fields on the edit page:

    • AppID: TradPlus backend AppID
    • PlacementID: TradPlus backend Ad Placement ID
  5. Click Save to apply changes.

2. Enable Mediation Group in IronSource

  • Go to Mediation → Management → Mediation in the left menu and configure the mediation group.

3. Integrate Adapter into the Project

  1. Integrate the iOS TradPlus SDK as usual (TradPlus iOS SDK Download & Documentation).
  2. Add ISHKWLCustomAdapter.framework to the Xcode project. Download ISHKWLCustomAdapter.framework

Note: Since the Custom Adapter cannot obtain CCPA settings through the IronSource mediation API, you need to set CCPA using the following API in the TradPlus SDK.

#import <TradPlusAds/TradPlus.h>
// NO: Do not report data for California users; YES: Accept data reporting
[TradPlus setCCPADoNotSell:bool]