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Device Reporting API

Change Log

v4.02022-9-15supports TP revenue query
v3.0-supports customized user ID query
v2.0-supports device report


  • The API will return 4 URLs for downloading csv files, the URL is valid for 15 mins, please send another request if it is over 15 mins.
  • Please note that, the complete data should contain the 4 files.
  • The user data will be sent to different computing ceters according to user's location, please don't worry if you found one of the center don't have any data.
  • Since Ad Networks have different report time zones, it will be more accurate to request the last two days' data, or update the historical data(last two days normally) after getting response.
  • Obtaining historical data one year ago is not supported. If you need it, please contact your account manager

Note: Data freshness:

  • UTC+8 data: 5:00 (Beijing Time)
  • UTC+0 data: 15:00 (Beijing Time)
  • UTC-8 data: day2 at 2:00 (Beijing Time)

1. Authentication check

1.1 Method


1.2 Header Params

Authorization: Bearer {your token}

AuthorizationtokenBearer {your token}
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 0C2FP316-0D66-5CDE-AD57-F48JS33DB9DC' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"date" : "2022-09-15",
"timezone" : "UTC+0",
"currency" : "USD",
"appId" : "6640E7E3BDAC951B8F28D4C8C50E50B5"

method of getting token: "my account"-"Report API Key"- generate APK key

2. Device Reporting API v4.0

2.1 URL_V3(recommended)

2.2 Request method

HTTP POST HTTP Content-Type: application/json

2.3 Request params

dateStringYdate, format:YYYY-mm-dd,Only supports one day2020-03-01
timezoneStringNreport time zone ,Only support:"UTC+8"、"UTC+0"、"UTC-8"。default:"UTC+0"UTC+0
currencyStringNcurrency。default : USD,Only support:USD CNYUSD
appIdStringYAPPID,Single choice

2.4 Return data

The data file is CSV, explode by ',' .

dateTimeStampintTime Stamp
appIdStringAPP ID(tradplus)
placementIdStringPlacement ID (tradplus)
placementNameStringPlacement name (tradplus)
adFormatIntAd slot type
adFormatNameStringAd slot name
areaStringCountry code
networkIntNetwork ID
networkNameStringNetwork Name
networkPlacementIdStringNetwork Placement Id
networkPlacementNameStringNetwork Placement Name (tradplus)
networkPlacementInfoStringNetwork Placement Information
androidIdStringDevice id,androidid
gaidStringGoogle advertising ID
idfaStringIdentity for Advertisers
userIdStringCustom User ID
impressionIntImpression number(tradplus)
clickIntClick number(tradplus)
oaidStringAndroid device ID
idfvStringIdentifier for Vendor
os_versionStringVersion of OS
att_statusIntStatus of Apple's ATT (0: notDetermined; 1: restricted; 2: denied; 3: authorized)
tp_revenueFloatTP Revenue

2.5 Sample

Reqeust Sample:
"date" : "2021-07-1",
"timezone" : "UTC+0",
"currency" : "USD",
"appId" : "6640E7E3BDAC951B8F28D4C8C50E50B5"
Response Sample:
"url_cn": "",
"url_en": "",
"url_in": "",
"url_sg": ""

3. Device Reporting API v3.0

3.1 URL_V3(recommended)

3.2 Request method

HTTP POST HTTP Content-Type: application/json

3.3 Request params

dateStringYdate, format:YYYY-mm-dd,Only supports one day2020-03-01
timezoneStringNreport time zone ,Only support:"UTC+8"、"UTC+0"、"UTC-8"。default:"UTC+0"UTC+0
currencyStringNcurrency。default : USD,Only support:USD CNYUSD
appIdStringYAPPID,Single choice

3.4 Return data

The data file is CSV, explode by ',' .

dateTimeStampintTime Stamp
appIdStringAPP ID(tradplus)
placementIdStringPlacement ID (tradplus)
placementNameStringPlacement name (tradplus)
adFormatIntAd slot type
adFormatNameStringAd slot name
areaStringCountry code
networkIntNetwork ID
networkNameStringNetwork Name
networkPlacementIdStringNetwork Placement Id
networkPlacementNameStringNetwork Placement Name (tradplus)
networkPlacementInfoStringNetwork Placement Information
androidIdStringDevice id,androidid
gaidStringGoogle advertising ID
idfaStringIdentity for Advertisers
userIdStringCustom User ID
impressionIntImpression number(tradplus)
clickIntClick number(tradplus)
oaidStringAndroid device ID
idfvStringIdentifier for Vendor
os_versionStringVersion of OS
att_statusIntStatus of Apple's ATT (0: notDetermined; 1: restricted; 2: denied; 3: authorized)

3.5 Sample

Reqeust Sample:
"date" : "2021-07-1",
"timezone" : "UTC+0",
"currency" : "USD",
"appId" : "6640E7E3BDAC951B8F28D4C8C50E50B5"
Response Sample:
"url_cn": "",
"url_en": "",
"url_in": "",
"url_sg": ""