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The home page displays important notifications for the current account, estimated revenue, an overview of the data, and summarized data information for all apps under the account. The home page is divided into six sections from top to bottom:

**1)Top Area:**Support switching data sources (API Data/TP Data); support selecting the number of charts (up to 5);

**2)Message notification Area:**Display system notifications, such as alert report notifications;

**3)Revenue Display Area:**Show yesterday's/past 7 days'/this month's/last month's data. Support data comparison.

**4)Overview Area:**Display estimated revenue API, DAU, IMP API, eCPM API. Support date filtering

**5)Data Chart Area:**Support viewing different metrics of top dimensions over a period of time (up to 12 top selections), e.g. to view the estimated revenue of Top Ad Units. Support viewing data using line graph, bar chart, pie chart, table. Support show/hide values.

**6)App Data Area:**Show several metrics of the app. The data will be sorted in descending order by default.