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Error Codes

1、Error code (Android)

Developers can obtain the error in callbacks such as OnOneLayerLoadFailed.

Error code ErrorCodeError messageErrorMsgillustrate
1successAdvertisement loaded successfully.
2internal error!Unknown reason.
3load timeoutAd loading timed out.
(1) Check whether the current testing advertising source is an overseas source and whether it is scientifically connected to the Internet;
(2)(2) Whether the test machine is equipped with Google Family Bucket (whether it is an overseas version of the mobile phone);
(3) Some advertising sources need to be added to the third-party backend Test equipment;
(4) Some advertising sources need to be tested with a test ID.
4frequency limitSet a frequency limit under the ad slot to achieve the number of impressions within a limited time.
5ad not readyThe ad did not load successfully. It is called when the advertisement is not loaded successfullyshow(),or the third-party advertisement times out.
7network not connectionThe network cannot be connected. Check network conditions.
8has cache,no need to load againThe number of ad caches has reached the configuration limit.
9waterfall bean is nullThe waterfall delivery configuration is empty.
10wrong configThe server returns abnormal data. Please contact a TradPlus colleague to check the cause of the error.
11load all adSource failedAll advertising sources under waterfall configuration failed to load.
(1) Check whether the current testing advertising source is an overseas source and whether it is scientifically connected to the Internet;
(2) Whether the test machine is equipped with Google Family Bucket (whether it is an overseas version of the mobile phone);
(3) Some advertising sources need to be added to the third-party backend for testing Equipment;
(4) Some advertising sources need to be tested using test IDs;
(5) Developers need to filter tradpluslog to determine the reason why each source fails to load.
Developers are asked to troubleshoot the specific reasons based on Android FAQ
12no configThe waterfall delivery configuration is empty. It is necessary to check
(1) whether the network access of the test machine is normal;
(2) check whether obfuscation is added according to the integration document, and whether the obfuscation is effective.
13adapter not foundThe advertising source does not introduce the corresponding Adapter under the advertising slot configuration. Check the ad source configured for the ad slot. Correctly introduce third-party Adapters according to SDK DownLoad Platform
14show ad failedAd display failed.
15load failed interval please try again laterThe last load failed, and loading again is prohibited within 10 seconds.
16is loading please try again laterThe ad is already being requested, please load it later. Loading frequency is too high.
19has valid cache but not showThe last successful loading did not show, and loading again is prohibited within 4 minutes.
20Context is not Acvitiy contextCheck whether Activity is passed in when initializing the ad slot or showAd().
101adContainer is nullNative advertising misses ViewGroup.
102adLayout is nullNative banner ads are leaking layout files.
103Bidding FailedThere is an advertising source under the advertising space that sets the Bidding mode, when bidding fails. Error 103 will be sent directly. It is necessary to check
(1) whether the advertising space is configured with a Bidding advertising source;
(2) the configuration is normal. If it is an overseas Bidding source, network problems will also cause the pull to fail. An overseas IP is required. For more information, refer to the Test Mode
(3) Check whether obfuscation is added according to the integration document and whether the obfuscation is effective.
104Wrong a TPUnitID requestedThe created ad type and the requested API are inconsistent. Please check the background, for example, a standard native ad type is created, but the rewarded video API is used to request this ID.

2、Error code(iOS)

Error CodeError MessageExplanation
1000wrong configThe waterfall configuration sent by the backend is empty or incorrect.
1. Check if the ad placement has configured ad sources in the backend.
2. If using overseas bidding ad sources, check if the current device is using an overseas IP.
1001Ad is loadingThe loading process is in progress and cannot start a new loading process.
1007network not connectionNetwork connection is not available.
10002Not set AdUnitIDAd unit ID is not set.
10003not set renderingViewClassNative ad is not set with renderingViewClass when displaying.
10004not set rendererNative ad is not set with TradPlusNativeRenderer when displaying.
10005not set subViewNative ad is not set with subView when displaying.
10008bidding response data errorThe returned bidding result data is empty or returns a 204 status.
10009bidding response biddingwaterfall errorThe waterfall configuration data in the returned bidding result is incorrect.
10010not set rootViewControllerInterstitial or rewarded video is not set with rootViewController when displaying.
10011not set windowSplash or native splash is not set with window.
10012post bidding Data errorData error after bidding.
10013Wrong Ad TypeInvalid ad type.
10014not set MediaVideo adContainerNo ad container is set for interstitial ads.
10015not set MediaVideo ViewControllerNo view controller is set for interstitial ads.
600004frequency limitAd placement frequency limit.
600009waterfall bean is nullThe waterfall configuration sent by the backend does not contain any usable ad source configuration information.
600015load failed interval please try again laterLoading too frequently, unable to load again within 10 seconds after a failure.
600019has valid cache but not showLoaded successfully but failed to display an ad within 4 minutes.
600103bidding fail no more waterfallFailed to obtain any third-party bidding source data, bidding and adx failed.
800002Third-party error messageError loading from third-party, returns the third-party error code and description.
800003netWork load timeoutTimeout when loading from third-party.
800004netWork load limitFrequency limit from third-party ad sources.
800009netWork no ad sourceClass name for the corresponding third-party network is empty in the waterfall configuration sent by the backend.
800012netWork no configConfiguration for the corresponding third-party network is empty in the waterfall configuration sent by the backend.
800013netWork no adapterNo adapter found for the corresponding third-party network.
800017netWork adconfig Info errorConfiguration error for the corresponding third-party network in the waterfall configuration sent by the backend.
810011load Fail, No ad fillLoading ended without any ads loaded.
810103Bidding FailBidding failed. When only bidding ads are configured for the current ad source, the loading ends after bidding fails.
810105exclusive FailExclusive bidding failed.
1000004frequency limitAd placement frequency limit.
1000005not any ready adNo cached ads available.
1100014Render ErrorNative ad rendering error.

Bidding Error Messages

Developers can obtain the error information by monitoring the callback BiddingEnd. The specific information is as follows:

Error CodeError MessageExplanation
0Bidding Success-
21Bidding Request Parameter ErrorContact TP development
22No Ad Source Found for Bidding-
23Invalid Buyeruid for BiddingBuyeruid is used to get the token for this bid ad
204Third-party NOFILL for Bidding RequestThird-party NOFILL
30Third-party Bidding Request FailedTry multiple times
31Third-party Bidding Request Timed OutTry multiple times or switch network conditions
32Bid Request Succeeded, but resp.SeatBid is EmptyContact TP development
34Bid Request Succeeded, but resp Failed to Parse JSONContact TP development
35Bid Has Been Discarded: The Bid Price is Lower Than the Previous Bid Price
36Bid Request Succeeded, but adm or price is incorrectContact TP development
37Third-party Thread goRoutine Timed Out for Bidding-
38Third-party Bidding Request Timed Out and Notice Sending FailedContact TP development
39Notice Decryption Failed for BiddingContact TP development
40Bid Has Been Discarded: The Bid Price is Lower Than the Floor Price or Exceeds the Reserve Count of Bidding Ad Sources-