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The Trade Desk:UID2 usage guide


This article mainly introduces the related concepts of UID2. Such as how to use it, and how developers should set UID2 correctly while using or integrating with TradPlus products.

What is UID2#

Unified ID 2.0 leverages encrypted email and phone number data to provide a privacy-conscious, secure, and accurate identity standard for the entire digital advertising ecosystem.(source:

UID2.0, like Cookie, IDFA, and GAID, is also an anonymous ID used to identify users and maintain the normal operation of programmatic advertising. However, UID2 has specific cross-platform tracking properties. When a user logs in via email or mobile phone and authorizes tracking, the TTD platform will generate an encrypted (unable to be reverse-engineered) "anonymous universal ID" based on this. As long as the user browses other web pages or apps with the same email or mobile phone number, all websites, apps and platforms that support UID 2.0 can track the user's ID by default.

TTD is committed to promoting UID 2.0 to become the new standard in the industry as an alternative solution to Cookie to continuously track and identify users in the future. (source:

Image Source:the Trade Desk

How UID2 is different#

  • Privacy-conscious:Data is hashed and tokens are encrypted to prevent re-identification, with a rotating salt adding extra preservation.
  • Interoperable:UID2 integrates with other deterministic and personally identifiable information-based identifiers, extending its utility when consumers log in across the open internet — including on Connected TV.
  • Portable:Since UID2 has been adopted by many leading ad tech providers and platforms, it’s easy for participants to use the identity strategies that work best for them, with the partners they choose.
  • Omnichannel:Authentication is increasing across traditional digital, mobile apps, and especially Connected TV — enabling cross-device and cross-channel identity strategies without cookies.

How developers use UID2#

The figure below shows the process of how developers add UID2 to the bidding request through SSP.

  1. A user visits a publisher website, mobile app, or CTV app.
  2. The publisher explains the value exchange of the open internet and requests the user to provide an email address or phone number, by login or other means.
  3. Once the user logs in, the publisher sends the email or phone number to the UID2 Operator via an SDK or direct API integration.
  4. A publisher can authorize an SSO provider or identity provider to pass DII and privacy settings on their behalf.
  5. The UID2 Operator:
  • Takes the email or phone number.
  • Performs the salt, hash, and encryption process.
  • Returns the UID2 Token.
  1. The publisher stores the UID2 token to share with SSPs during real-time bidding.
  • Server-side: The publisher stores the token in a mapping table, DMP, data lake, or other server-side application.
  • Client-side: The publisher stores the token in a client-side app or in the user’s browser as a first-party cookie.
  1. The publisher retrieves the UID2 token from storage.
  2. The publisher sends the UID2 token to the SSP.
  3. The SSP put the bid request, with the UID2 token, into the bid stream.


UID2 Token application and usage process#

Step1: How to apply for UID2 Token#

Click "Request access" on the UID2 official website to submit information application, address . If you need help, you can contact TradPlus AM.

Step2: How to use (or transfer) UID2 Token in TradPlus SDK#

Important prerequisite: Please ensure that you have obtained the UID2 Token from the official TTD channel.

If you have successfully obtained UID2 Token from TTD official, please follow the TradPlus SDK docking document for ad source integration, and use the following code for development settings on each side:

  • Android
    • Attention: Android 1.0.1 and above support UID2 Token transmission.
    • Attention: The following code is recommended to be set and fetched before initializing the TradPlus SDK .
UserDataInfo userDataInfo = new UserDataInfo();
  • iOS
    • Attention: iOS V 9.8.0 and above support UID2 Token transmission.
    • Attention: The following code is recommended to be set and fetched before initializing the TradPlus SDK .
TradPlusUID2Info *UID2Info = [[TradPlusUID2Info alloc] init];
UID2Info.UID2Token = @"Your UID2Token";
[[TradPlus sharedInstance] setUID2Info:UID2Info];
  • Unity
    • Attention: The following code is recommended to be set and fetched before initializing the TradPlus SDK .
Dictionary<string, object> settingMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();
settingMap.Add("uid2_token", "Your UID2Token");
  • Flutter
    • Attention: The following code is recommended to be set and fetched before initializing the TradPlus SDK .
Map settingMap = {"uid2_token": "Your UID2Token"};
