Plugin Integration Instructions
Step 1: Import the Plugin into Unity
- Import tradplus_unity.unitypackage into the project
v1.0.5+ support Integrate Custom SDK Adapters Plugin in tradplus_unity.unitypackage
Developers can choose whether to use it according to their own circumstances. If you do not use this function, please do not import it into the project.
Note:CocoaPods is required when using Custom SDK Adapters Plugin on iOS
Step 2: Connect to the TradPlus aggregation SDK and advertising SDK of each platform
Refer to the integration instructions for each platform:
Integrate Custom SDK Adapters Plugin
Android Integration
iOS Integration
Step 3: SDK Initialization
Failure to initialize the SDK will directly affect the background statistics of DAU, resulting in inaccurate data and increasing the difficulty of operation.
SDK Initialization API
Step 4: Ad Formats
Rewarded Ads
Native Ads
NativeBanner Ads
Step 5: Testing
- When the developer turns on the test mode in the TP platform, the TP server will issue advertising strategies based on the applications you specify to turn on the test mode.
- For example: enable Kuaishou rewarded video ads with application ID 12345. Developers need to clear the application cache first, then initialize the same application ID and request rewarded videos. The server will directly pull the configured Kuaishou ads. (Tip: The initialized application ID is wrong or the request is for other types of ads, which will also cause the pull to fail)
UnityAds Network
If you need to access the UnityAds advertising platform, please confirm whether the unity advertising plug-in is introduced in the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager) in the unity project. If so, please remove it before integrating it, otherwise it may cause integration conflicts, google store Problems such as failure to pass the review.